
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Petko Chobantonov

CEO of Sirius Consulting

Sirius Consulting is a leader in providing BPM and SOA consulting services to organizations. It assists organizations in achieving effectiveness and agility in a changing and collaborative world. Our clients seek the advantages that are inherent with greater alignment among technology, processes, and business strategy.

Qualification highlights

  • 26+ years of experience in commercial software development.
  • Expert in database and business application software development, implementation of robust Internet and Intranet solutions.
  • Strong experience in multi-tier Internet and Intranet enterprise systems. Skilled in implementing Java based solutions. Oracle, DB2 and MS SQL Server databases.
  • Experienced in database and software application design.
  • Quick learner with an ability to rapidly achieve organizational integration, assimilate job requirements and employ new methodologies and technologies.
  • Ability to work efficiently in both independent and team work environments.


  • M.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics (GPA 4.00 / 4.00)


  • Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition – I
  • BEA WebLogic Server Enterprise Developer
  • Sun Certified Web Component Developer for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
  • IBM Certification: XML and related technologies
  • Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer

Conference presentations:

  • OMG Technical Meetings 2005, 2006, 2007 – BPDM, BPMN, Enterprise Collaboration, BPMN to BPDM Mapping
  • BPM ThinkTank 2006 – BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation)
  • JavaOne 2006 - Dealing With Deadlocks in Java
  • JavaOne 2004 - Patterns and the Business Process Server



Professional Experience

Sirius Consulting

Position: CEO
2008 - Present

Sirius Consulting is a leader in providing BPM and SOA consulting services to organizations. It assists organizations in achieving effectiveness and agility in a changing and collaborative world. Our clients seek the advantages that are inherent with greater alignment among technology, processes, and business strategy.

Electronic Clearing House, Inc. (aquired by Intuit)

Position: Chief JEE Architect, Project Manager
2007 - 2008

Electronic Clearing House, Inc. (ECHO) has been a tier 1 credit card processor providing a complete solution for payment processing since 1986. ECHO’s services include: credit card processing, debit card processing, merchant accounts, check guarantee, check verification, check conversion, check representment, check collection, and Automated Clearing House (ACH) check processing. Customers include retail merchants, banks, collection agencies, technology companies, and software providers across the nation.

Responsible for:

  • Systems design and architecture
  • SOA Architecture
  • JEE development framework
  • Ensuring consistency between different JEE projects
  • Project manager of JEE applications: CIS (customer information system), Billing, Business Center

Lombardi Software (aquired by IBM)

Position: Architect, Lead Software Engineer
2001 - 2007

Lombardi Software is the leading BPM (Business Process Management) vendor. Its product TeamWorks is a J2EE based software platform that helps companies effectively manage people-to-people, system-to-system and people-to-system communication within a web-enabled process workflow. TeamWorks is the foundation of all Lombardi Software solutions for Business Process Management (BPM). Its core component - TeamWorks Process Server is a powerful J2EE-based workflow engine (based on BPMN) that automates business processes by managing the sequence of activities and invoking the appropriate resources required by the various activities or steps in the process. TeamWorks can handle arbitrarily complex business or application process logic, as well as workflow and process modeling patterns.

Responsible for:

  • System design and architecture
  • Design and development of TeamWorks Process Server. The engine is specially designed to be fast and to handle arbitrarily complex business processes. It transparently distributes the work performed by business processes between the web container and the EJB container (EJB, JMS, JDBC, JNDI, JSP, Servlets, XML, XPath, XSL, XML Schema, HTML, DOM, CSS, JavaScript, Petri Nets)
  • Design of TeamWorks Performance Server
  • Design and development of TeamWorks Components and associated framework. TeamWorks Components are used in a process to execute specific business operation. The framework allows customers to use their own components in the Process Server.
  • Design and development of TeamWorks Web Services
  • Design and development of event correlation engine.
  • Design and development of persistence layer. It is based on the Model Driven Architecture concepts and provides the following functionality: propagates changes done to persistence objects on the server to the clients, collision control, caching, export / import features. Code generation tools are created. Design and development of distributed cache for persistent objects.
  • Database design and development (Oracle, DB2, MSSQL).
  • Design and development of process debugging functionality. It supports querying and modification of the process state, breakpoints, step-in, step-over and etc.
  • Development of server-side components (EJB, JMS, JDBC, XML, SAX, XPATH, XSL Transformations).
  • Design and development of Export / Import functionality (EJB, JNDI, JDBC, XML, JDOM).
  • Development of classes hiding the complexities dealing with communication between EJBs and the Eclipse based Client (Sun’s J2EE design patterns used)
  • Administration and configuration of BEA WebLogic Application Server. Setup WebLogic for the cluster version of TeamWorks.

Business Web Portal

Position: Lead Software Engineer
1999 - 2001

The Business Web Portal services include search engine, member services (mail, member web sites, notes, file hosting, contacts data, discussions etc.), additional information services, stand-alone client applications and others. The project implements multi-tier architecture and scalable distributed software model with load balancing. The portal is designed for high load.

Responsible for:

  • System architecture, design and modeling (UML, Rational Rose)
  • Development of server-side components (EJB, Java Servlets, JSP, JDBC, XML, SAX, XPATH, XSL Transformations, WML)
  • Database design and development (Oracle, MS SQL Server)
  • Setup of WebLogic security and implementation of support classes for DBMS Realm.
  • Definition of custom RDF and XML DTD
  • Implementation of bi-directional mapping between Java objects and XML documents (Java, XML, SAX, etc.).
  • Implementation of bi-directional mapping of Java Objects over relational database. Database schema does not depend on the Java objects to be stored
  • Implementation of server for retrieving RDF documents from the Web (Java, XML, SAX, RDF and JDBC.)
  • Implementation of Windows NT Service allowing standard applications to be executed as NT services (MS Visual C++)
  • Implementation of enhanced tree view applet with similar to Windows Explorer look and feel.

Project Planning Software

Position: Lead Software Engineer
1998 - 1999

Client/server application for project planning, this includes projects scheduling in time and by phases; assignment of people to projects in time cells; project cost calculations. It provides international support and language customization.

Responsible for:

  • System architecture, design and modeling
  • Database design and development (MS SQL Server)
  • Development of the client application
  • Development of various Active X Controls
  • Implementation of user access policy, including account management and permissions on different resources. Implementation of MS SQL Server stored procedures using T-SQL

Business Accounting and Finance Software

Position: Software Engineer
1994 - 1998

The system provides various accountancy modules, keeping track of financial operations, formula calculations, producing of complex reports, user management and access policies.

Responsible for:

  • System design and development (Borland Delphi, Paradox, SQL)
  • Database design and development (Paradox)
  • Creating many complex SQL queries
  • Implementation of financial business logic
  • Implementation of modules for parsing and evaluation of expressions containing mathematical formulas and data fields
  • Implementation of user management and access level policies
  • Implementation of mechanisms for copy protection
  • Development of custom visual components (VCL)
  • Working with customers for defining software requirements
  • Improvement of the system based on customers’ feedback
  • Providing customer support